It’s time to appreciate your participation in this year’s activities to protect and enjoy our special Bolin Creek —

  • Your enthusiasm for our forest walks, the latest one — a geologic walk through time with Howard Lineberger.
  • Your help in supporting our Bolin Creek Conservation Plan study.  The community, as well as elected officials will receive recommendations to improve Creek health in fall 2011.
  • For helping eighth grade science students learn all about rain gardens and completing one at the McDougle Middle School Demonstration Rain Garden in October.
  • Responding to your request for interactive communication, we’ve improved our website describing Bolin Creek activities.  Post your comments on our blog.
  • And last this month, we received a $500 grant from the Orange County Arts Council to make a short video to promote rain gardens and water quality using  our demonstration project. Our goal is to raise another $500 to complete the project.

If you can help,  please consider a year-end tax deductable gift by writing a check to Friends of Bolin Creek to Post Office Box 234,  Carrboro, NC  27710   or easier still,  go on-line to Network for Good and type in “Friends of Bolin Creek” under charity name.  They will process your donation for us.

Bolin Creek in Winter

Thank you for your support throughout the year to protect our creek!