Upcoming Events


Walk in Bolin Forest

Discover Northern Bolin Forest! Join us for a walk led by Salli Benedict on the Carolina North tract on Sunday, March 4th, 1 – 3 pm. Meet at the entrance to the forest found at the end of Tripp Farm Road reached from Hillsborough Road, Carrboro. Bring sturdy walking shoes. Expect gentle grades and wildlife sightings. See map link.


You are invited to attend a Symposium on February 11th, “Can We Heal Our Local Waterways?”to hear about the current water quality problems and actions needed to restore our local urban streams and to participate in a community discussion.

You will need to register your children for the Stream Watch Program from 9 – 11:30 am.  This program is limited to the families attending the Symposium.

In the Exchange portion of the program, participants can connect with other local organizations making a difference for water quality. If your organization wishes to do a water quality exhibit, contact friendsbolincreek@gmail.com.

What?   A Symposium and a Community Exchange
“Can We Heal Our Local Waterways?” 
See Agenda here

When?   Saturday, February  11th,  9 am – 1:00 pm

Who?     Creek lovers, elected officials and leaders, advisory board members,
neighborhood groups, recreation users, environmental groups, and
interested community members from Chapel Hill, Carrboro and beyond.

Where?  The North Carolina Botanical Garden, 100 Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill

 Due to limited space and to help in planning, we ask you to register on line here.  Prior registration is not required.

                            Join Us for this Watershed Event!

This event is planned by Friends of Bolin Creek and the UNC Institute for the Environment and co-sponsored by our host the NC Botanical Garden and by Chapel Hill 2020. Breakfast and lunch snacks available.


Muddy Watch Training

Join other Friends of Bolin Creek on Monday, May 23rd at 7 pm to learn how you can help monitor construction which affects Bolin Creek. With the earth moving activities happening now right along Bolin Creek, you can help us monitor impacts on our creek from the number one pollutant of NC waters – sediment!

Elaine Chiosso, River Keeper for the Haw River Association, and Cynthia Crossen, River Watch Coordinator, present the two hour workshop. They will train us to properly identify sediment and erosion control violations at active construction sites and report problems to the proper authorities so that they can be fixed. Here is more information on this program.

The workshop is free but there are limited places.  To register, send an email to Julie at mcclintock.julie (at) gmail.com with your name, address and phone number.

2011 Creek Action Tour

Posted on March 24, 2011 by admin

Friends of Bolin Creek announces the 2011 Creek Action Tour on Earth Action Day, April 9th. Visit simultaneous events from 10 – 12 noon showcasing projects that improve and protect water quality in our community and celebrate our creeks. Complete information can be found on our main page.

Choose among many tour events during the morning: the McDougle Middle School rain garden, a restored creek restoration project, floating islands, green buildings, a puppet shows for kids, and much more.Friends of Bolin Creek is supporting the tour by coordinating activities with site sponsors and the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro.

A tree planting ceremony kicks off the tour at 9:30 at Baldwin Park and highlights a stream restoration project directed by the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, with support from the North Carolina State University Stream Restoration Program and funded by federal grant, through the North Carolina Division of Water Quality.

Then join the fun at Earth Action Day in Southern Community Park from noon to 5 pm. Find a Dragonfly Workshop, and make clay critters and origami bugs at the Friends of Bolin Creek booth, and partake of many Earth Action Day activities.

Water Appreciation Day at Twig!
Join Twig on Saturday, April 2nd from 9:30 – 11:30 AM for a creek clean-up and educational walk along Booker Creek lead by Wendy Smith, Environmental Education Coordinator for the Stormwater Management Division of the Town of Chapel Hill.

The UNC Institute for the Environment is holding a workshop on March 25th, “Integrating Lab and Field Study of our Watershed for the Classroom“.  10 credit hours will be given upon completion of the course.  To register go to:  www.unc.edu/ccee/pd.  Cost is $25.

More information is found here. teacher workshop flyer

“Creek Week” in Durham: Our neighboring community Durham is planning Creek Week, March 19 – 26

Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood Clean-Up Day: Join us for a community service project on Saturday March 19th.  David Caldwell has organized an event to support his Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood.  Join David and his neighbors at the Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood Association community center at the end of Edgar Lane off Purefoy Drive on Saturday from 9am – 2:00pm.

The Roger and Eubanks Road Neighborhood over the years has faced the challenge of being a neighbor to the County landfill. Over the years people dumped trash and debris in as many as 30 illegal dumping sites in the neighborhood, perhaps to avoid the costs of legally landfilling it.  The dump sites affect creeks which ultimately feed drinking water supplies and pose hazard to new residents.

See the neighborhood website here.