How to access NC DEQ Brownfields Documents

Click on this link: On the new page, paste project number 23022-19-068 this into the search and click the green magnifying glass icon (search button) The wheel will spin for a bit, and then a list of 34 PDF documents will...

Help Build a Better Bikeway

Friends of Bolin Creek support bikeways that are NOT in fragile wetlands. An off-road Seawell School bikepath would have these advantages over a creekside route: Provide direct connectivity between current and future bikeway paths on Estes Dr. Cost less to build Cost...

MPO Funds Local Bike and Pedestrian Projects

The MPO is the regional transit funding organization where most of our transit funds come from – that includes bike and pedestrian projects too. Today the Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro MPO voted for these existing and new projects. A step forward for better...
Volunteers Restore Eroded Hillside Above Bolin Creek

Volunteers Restore Eroded Hillside Above Bolin Creek

A group of volunteers, including Friends of Bolin Creek, Bolin Creek Homeowners, the Town of Carrboro, and local high school students, joined forces to restore an eroded hillside above Bolin Creek. The project was led by Meg Malloy, who secured a State of North...