by admin | Oct 22, 2024 | Bolin Creek Wildlife, Bolin Forest, Friends of Bolin Creek
Friends of Bolin Creek supporters will celebrate Bolin Creek next Sunday afternoon, the 27th, from 4 to 6 PM at Jean Earnhardt‘s beautiful farm near Mapleview Farms downstream from the Creek Headwaters. There are a few places left before we reach 50 attendees....
by admin | Jul 21, 2024 | Bolin Creek, Bolin Creek Watershed, Bolin Forest, Can We Heal Our Local Waterways?, Coal Ash Dump, Friends of Bolin Creek, Greenways see damage from floods, Jordan Lake, Sediment into Bolin Creek, Soil and erosion control
Chapel Hill proposes building a government services complex on the coal ash pile with minimal protective measures. We find the present agreement does not protect public health and the environment for the following reasons. The NC Dept of the Environment is taking...
by admin | Mar 26, 2013 | Birding, Birding in Boilin Forest, Bolin Creek Wildlife, Bolin Forest, Friends of Bolin Creek
Birders from Friends of Bolin Creek and New Hope Audubon were rewarded on our March 3 bird walk with several sightings of the pileated woodpecker — on the ground pecking ants in old logs. Mary Sonis took this photo of the pileated on a tree in 2012. ...
by admin | Jul 23, 2012 | Bolin Creek Watershed, Chapel Hill High School water Sustainability Initiative, Friends of Bolin Creek
In the early hours this Thursday, June 26, 75 hard working volunteers will unleash their hammers at Chapel Hill High School to launch the CHHS Water Sustainability Initiative. This long term campaign, spearheaded by CHHS Earth Sciences teacher Rob Greenberg and...
by admin | Oct 19, 2011 | 2011, Bolin Creek, Bolin Creek Watershed, Bolin Forest, Friends of Bolin Creek
Friends of Bolin Creek’s fall walk, “Treasures of Bolin Creek”, on Sunday, October 23rd at 2 pm, will be led by Randee Haven O’Donnell. Randee is an environmental educator, a runner, a long time supporter of the conservation of Bolin Creek and...