Friends of Bolin Creek’s fall walk, “Treasures of Bolin Creek”, on Sunday, October 23rd at 2 pm, will be led by Randee Haven O’Donnell.  Randee is an environmental educator, a runner, a long time supporter of the conservation of Bolin Creek and its habitat, and is serving a second term on the Carrboro Board of Aldermen.

Randee will point out key geologic and the ecologic aspects of the Upper Bolin forest. This forested habitat is made up of 425 acres south of Homestead Road, the majority of which will remain a haven for wildlife and for the recreational enjoyment for runners, bikers, and nature lovers.  Two of the protected parcels are owned by the Town of Carrboro and the University of North Carolina.

The walk will highlight three “treasures” of the forest, including Castlebury Mill site, the beaver pond, and other surprises.  Northern Bolin Creek and its habitat is an area of stunning natural beauty, historical significance, ecological value and much needed urban serenity in the midst of our urbanized towns.  Those who walk and run there know it is the last of its kind within our town’s borders, and features expansive, high-value upland and lowland forests, wildlife such as hawks, owls, herons, beaver, as well as wetlands and lovely walks next to Bolin Creek.

Join the Sunday walk and meet Randee and other Friends of Bolin Creek at 2 pm on Tripp Farm Road just off the intersection with Pathway in Carrboro. Kids, students and folks of all ages are welcome.

Randee helps McDougle Middle School students plant rain garden plants