Over 85 people came out to the Rogers – Eubanks neighborhood to haul trash away to the landfill.  It was a beautiful day with Spring in the air.  David Caldwell divided people into small teams armed with trash bags and gloves.  Pick up trucks met the crews to sort and haul the trash to the dump.  One dump site yielded 3 TVs, metal car parts, old electrical appliances, and an ancient looking shot gun.

Friends of Bolin Creek volunteers joined many others, including energetic UNC students from the campus Y.  Engineers Without Borders provided the GIS work to identify the trash sites.  Orange County helped to  sort the items to ensure much was recycled.

The Roger and Eubanks Road Neighborhood over the years has faced the challenge of being a neighbor to the County landfill. Over the years people dumped trash and debris in as many as 30 illegal dumping sites in the neighborhood, perhaps to avoid the costs of legally landfilling it.  The dump sites affect creeks which ultimately feed drinking water supplies and pose hazard to new residents.

It was a great day for the community and the Bolin Creek Watershed!